Dog Acupuncture

Acupuncture Origins

Acupuncture (often misspelled "accupuncture") is a deep, internal therapy that works by inserting tiny needles into various identified points on your dog’s body. It originated over 3,000 years ago as part of a holistic healing system called Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM). Chinese medicine holds that all animals have a “life force” called qi (pronounced “chee” and often misspelled “chi”) that moves through the body through pathways called meridians. Specific points on these meridians that are located close to the surface of the body, then, can be accessed via small needles or lasers to re-establish balance in the movement of the qi. See our acu-point diagrams and chart [LINK] to see what points your canine acupuncturist may use in your dog’s therapy and to learn more about the process

A Place For Chinese Medicine Today

Now, before you get bored, remember this: there is very much that Western Medicine can teach us about the body, including all of its information on body systems such as the lymphatic, circulatory and respiratory systems. Each of these describe specific entities in the body that exist and are made up of cells, tissues, and organs. The “life force” of qi and its travel along meridians is not a system in the sense that these are. On the contrary, it is a much earlier explanation of the entirety of the processes that are carried out in the body. Acupuncture (the original TCM process from which acupressure was later derived) has been scientifically proven to release numerous balancing hormones, neurochemicals and other substances into the bloodstream. This has been an expected result of medicinal Chinese methods for centuries, without all the bother about specific microscopic cellular activities.

Acupuncture and Your Dog

You may have heard of or even experienced the benefits of acupuncture yourself and still have never thought of applying the medicine to your four-legged friend. Well, here at Lucky Dog Health, we believe that many of the very things that aid and improve our own lives can and should be used to aid and improve our dogs’. Of course, the practice of canine acupuncture does differ from its human counterpart in a couple of ways. First of all, while many dogs are surprisingly fine with the idea of having small needles stuck into them (some have been known to fall asleep during treatment!), others need a small amount of reassurance from their owners, while still others will need to be treated using photonic or laser therapy. Laser acupuncture therapy is more and more common in the dog acupuncture world. It works the same way, but without the actual needle, however its effects often last for a slightly shorter amount of time.

Find a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

Acupuncture is a deep treatment technique that should be performed by a certified professional. To find a certified veterinary acupuncturist registered with the American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture, or find a holistic veterinarian. Acupuncture by no means replaces regular veterinary care. However, it is a wonderful supplement that can be used to relieve pain, reduce muscle spasm, support healing, and strengthen the immune system.

Alternative Pain Free Solution for Canine


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