What is a Jump Start Cable and How to Use it?

Jump Start cables are used to start a vehicle with a dead battery. The cables are attached  to  the dead battery and a fully charged battery in another vehicle.( If you charging a death car, Make sure another car's battery must be at least bigger size or bigger CC' Car to charge) This must be done correctly and in the right order to avoid sparks or a shock. It is also important to disconnect the  cables in the right order. Once the vehicle with the dead battery is started, drive the vehicle to charge the dead battery.


  1. Determine weather you need to jump that the car or not by listening to the sound of you start your engine. Its very tricky sometimes. If you battery is death, means your audio and alarm system will be effected. If your audio and other electrical devices works. Means its not a battery issue.
  2. Your Jump Starts Cable has 2 end clip on each cable. Red or Blue / alternatively in the market they have Red of Black.
  3. Park your car head to head.Make sure your cables are long enonugh to clip on both batteries.
  4. Attach one of the cable red clips to the positive terminal of the dead battery. A "+" sign will indicate which terminal is positive. The positive terminal is also a little bit larger than the negative terminal. You may need to remove a plastic cover on the terminal to attach the red clip. The clip should be attached to the metal part of the terminal nub.
  5. Attach the other red clip to the positive terminal of the fully charged battery. This will also be designated by a "+" sign and the positive terminal will be slightly larger. The clip should be attached to the metal part of the terminal nub.
  6. Usually for the Malaysian' style they wont bother turning off the engine and to remove the cables. Its safe if you know what you are doing. It wont get electrocuted because the part you are touching to remove the clips are rubber.
  7. Once your car able to move, drive it to your nearest workshop and get check.

    If you purchase the latest Toyota Vios , even the J Spec. It will come together with a Jump Start Cable. Remember to check while getting your new car.


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